New or Expired Prescriptions Refills

We encourage all patients to use our patient portal.  For new or expired prescriptions established patients have the added convenience of making your request through our patient portal. Through this system you may contact your healthcare provider with prescription questions by secure e-mail, when it’s most convenient for you. Our dedicated medical staff will make every effort to respond promptly to your request!  If you do not have access to an email you may contact our office during office hours, 770.479.2322 and ask to be transferred to the telephone refill nurse line.  A medical staff member will call you back as soon as your question has been answered by your physician.  Please note the return telephone call from a private or unlisted number.

Prior Authorization Request

Please have your pharmacy fax the prior authorization or quantity override request to initiate a prior authorization, 770.720.7695.  We will make every effort to have this approved within 24-48 hours.  You may call your pharmacy to see if this has been approved.

Medication Changes

The physicians and medical staff will NOT make any changes to your prescriptions through the patient portal or refill line.  If you would like to discuss any changes to your medication, please address these changes at your monthly office visit.

After Hours

If you need to talk to a physician after hours, please call 770-479-2322 and you will be connected with our answering service, to route your call appropriately.  If you are experiencing a “life-threatening emergency” CALL 9-1-1.