Participants were recruited through community pharmacies across Australia, completed baseline interviews, and were followed up with phone interviews or self-complete questionnaires yearly for 4 years. Cannabis use was common in people with chronic non-cancer pain who had been prescribed opioids, but they found no evidence that cannabis use improved patient outcomes. People who used cannabis had greater pain and lower self-efficacy in managing pain, and there was no evidence that cannabis use reduced pain severity or interference or exerted an opioid-sparing effect. To view this article in its entirety visit the Lancet Public health article.
NGPC is always striving to make your visits run as smooth as possible.
At North Georgia Pain Clinic we do randomized drug test as required by Georgia State Law (360-3-06). Urine drug monitoring is an important tool, along with other clinical information, that helps your doctor better determine the best way to treat your chronic pain. It is a tool that provides more information about the medications in your system.
Ultrasound permits safe, accurate, and real-time injections for patients with neck, back and radicular pain. It also avoids the risks associated with radiation and complications from use of contrast dye.
We now offer a number of exciting new treatment options. RIT are a spectrum of cutting edge therapeutic techniques used to naturally treat and heal the cause of a painful condition rather than masking the symptom. RIT stimulates and accelerates your own body’s natural ability to heal itself. Two of the most effective RIT include Adult Stem Cell Therapy and Platelet Rich Plasma Injections. Learn More about these cutting edge therapies.
Two days prior to your scheduled appointment you will receive an automated telephone reminder call, text and email. Simply confirm or cancel your appointment by either method. You will also receive a real-time appointment notification by text and email when future appointments are made or when a scheduled appointment is missed.
Please let the front desk or a staff member know of any changes to your contact information and how you would like to be contacted.